SACEE Debating League

Polokwane – The first tournament of the South African Council for English Education (SACEE) Myngenoegen Debating League was held on Saturday, 05 February 2022, at Mitchell House.

Eagle’s Nest Christian school was represented by four teams. Other schools that participated as well include PEPPS and Mitchell House.

The tournament involved three rounds, and each round had a different motion or topic. Each motion is debated by two teams from opposing schools. One team agrees with the motion (proposition) and one team disagrees with the motion (opposition). The motion for the first round was “South Africa should become a cashless society.” Round two challenged the teams with the motion “Children should be given a monthly allowance” and round three opened Pandora’s box with the motion “Children under the age of 10 should be given mobile phones”. This was an unprepared motion, meaning the debaters did not have the opportunity to research nor prepare for the motion.

All participating teams brought thought-provoking arguments to the table throughout the tournament. However, it was a team from Eagle’s Nest Christian School that reigned undefeated. The team won all three rounds they participated in. The other three teams each won one of the three rounds as well.

Front: Murendeni Mufamadi
Back: Mmaphiri Phiri; Coach Alicia Mmethi and Shalom Velempini
Rukudzo Maromani; Alexandra Mmethi; Lunathi Male and Coach Alicia Mmethi
Princess Chiendamunya, Isabella Maloney; Neo Mosamane and Coach Alicia Mmethi
Front: Pheladi Mogajane
Back: Mokgethwa Seerane; Coach Alicia Mmethi and Theto Ntlhane