Learners reach out locally and internationally by using games, literacy and numeracy, to uplift the community and spread the gospel.

Learners get the opportunity to put into practice what they have learnt on outreaches. They visit Mosa (drop-in zone in Ga-Motiba), Samarian Centre (orphanage), and Kwela Bohloko (drop-in zone in Nobody) twice a week, accompanied by a trained educator, from 15:00 – 16:00.
Once a year, the high school learners go to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, or other continents for outreach.
All new learners attend orientation (Bible foundation discipleship course) at the beginning of each year. The aim is to create firm foundations in the Word, to lead them to the Lord to have a solid Biblical worldview, to act, serve, and to reach out with what they have and to become fishers of men.
Outreach Training:
Learners are trained by Open Schools World Wide and by STOP Human Trafficking. Training takes place in the afternoon and during weekends. All learners and educators in ENCS take part in outreaches. Outreach plays a vital role in the lives of our students. It teaches them to serve others. It is also very good exposure and helps to develop their body, soul, and spirit.
To be salt and light, to make a difference in the communities and nations. To spread the good news and live it.
Local Outreaches:
Learners get the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned. On a regular basis, they visit Mosa (Drop-in Zone in Ga-Mothiba), the Provincial Hospital, neighbouring schools, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and other places where the Lord leads them to get involved.
International Outreaches:
Twice a year, the High School learners travel to neighbouring countries, including Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, and Malawi. Canada and the USA are also visited occasionally.