A home away from home – Eagle’s Nest Christian School has a hostel that offers stable accommodation for learners from grades 4 to 12. We have a boys’ and girls’ hostel. The hostel has committed staff members who help with the running of day-to-day activities and morning devotion.
Here are some of the activities:
Study time:
We encourage our learners to focus more on this session because it is the main reason they are here. During the week, learners study from 14:30 – 17:30. During this time, the primary learners are monitored for their reading with the teachers. The second session starts at 18:15 – 20:00 with a 15-minute break. Devotion marks the end of the evening study.
Eating time:
We have two different menus for the two weeks. Learners have their breakfast at 06:15, which changes each day. At their first break time meal, that has to keep them alert in class until lunch when they come and have lunch. At 15:30, learners are allowed to eat the food that they have named “Lockers”. They get their supper at 17:30, and their last meal is at 19:00 (fruit). We try our level best to provide healthy and nutritious meals to our learners. Our chefs have been sent to culinary school and they try their best to make good meals for our learners.
Fun time:
We usually have our fun times during the weekends. Boys mostly play soccer, and girls play netball. We also play volleyball with the learners. Each quarter, we will have a fun day once every quarter, where we will spend the whole day playing different indoor and outdoor games and then end the day by having supper with all the hostel staff.
Devotion time:
Apart from morning and evening devotion time, our learners go for a fellowship service with other believers every Sunday morning at PHC Pentecostals Holiness Church.